How architectural principles transition to excellence in martial arts
From Wikipedia:[The term form follows function (function follows form, or FFF, lit.)] (The) Form follows (from the) function) is a design principle of design, especially product design and architecture. The form, the design of things is said to derive it from its function, the purpose of their use. Conversely, one can then derive a function out of shape.
The term is part of a famous saying of the American architect and main representative of the Chicago school, Louis Sullivan. From Sullivan's essay: "The tall office building artistically considered", published 1896 [2], in which he cited said of his partner Dankmar Adler, who had taken him in turn mutatis mutandis by Henri Labrouste: "it is the law of all organic and inorganic of all physical and metaphysical, of all human and superhuman things, of all true manifestations of the head, the heart and soul, that life in his expression is recognizable[", that the form follows the function always."
How is this leitmotif transferable into the martial arts?
The description of the term function for a martial art is relatively easy done: if you have to fight, the objective is physical and personal integrity. This objective is only to achieve, if all own actions are being executed according to a 100% security and 0% risk strategy. This encompassing strategy or function can then be broken down to every aspect.
The description of the term function for a martial art is relatively easy done: if you have to fight, the objective is physical and personal integrity. This objective is only to achieve, if all own actions are being executed according to a 100% security and 0% risk strategy. This encompassing strategy or function can then be broken down to every aspect.

When dealing with the aspect of form in martial arts, the history of Chinese martial arts illustrate this aspect well. The diversity of the so-called 'styles' is particularly striking. The imitation of animal behavior (snake style, Eagle style, monkey style, etc.), the orientation on philosophical symbols, or the influence of geographical conditions have had the greatest impact in this cultural area. It is to be seen, that there is consistently no common factor, that lets a universal function or functionality be concluded.
The respective human perception established a form, with which the combative function should be put best possible into effect. This phenomenon took place in all geographical areas of Asia, where significantly the current main stream martial arts originated to the Western world. In Europe, there were similar developments being indicated through the various fencing schools.
The respective human perception established a form, with which the combative function should be put best possible into effect. This phenomenon took place in all geographical areas of Asia, where significantly the current main stream martial arts originated to the Western world. In Europe, there were similar developments being indicated through the various fencing schools.
In addition to that, we have the personal and individual interpretations of the experience values, which were accumulated and passed on by previous generations. Especially the personal and individual interpretations are an expression of the respective personal and individual perception and implemental capability of one’s own experiences, learnings and information. If these personal experiences are not reflected on a factual level and, where appropriate, not objectively compared with other people, it will be difficult to formulate a universally valid function core and a design for its implementation.
In music, you will find a simple analogy: those who only adopted arrangements and melodies for their personal understanding of their transition, can only apply to a limited range of musical form, respectively remain reduced to that. Those who first learn the function core of music notes, design of melodies, etc. and have processed and transitioned all this for themselves, can merge into every style of music. From there to move on and realizing the personal preference of expression through a certain music style is merely a formality.
This is also valid in martial arts: if there are logical principles as leitmotifs, it is apparent that every movement and action must follow these leitmotifs. That way, each action by the change of its core settings such as timing, distance, etc. can look differently and thus can slip into any form. The functionality is similar to a chameleon: it takes on each shape or form if the need arises or it wants to, without infringing on the functionality. Only the parameter change in their interaction - similar to a matrix in mathematics.
Another aspect of this topic is, that if the functionality in a martial art due to the elimination of one of its parameter is no longer available, the remaining part takes on a certain fixed form, which can then be classified as style X. This style of X is then not universal anymore, because it can no longer serve the fallen-away parameter. Similar to the function of a machine - it has a logical structure for the purpose X. Taking one component from this machine away results in a change in regard to the purpose and perhaps has only use for the purpose Y left. If the purpose of X covers the purpose of Y completely but not vice versa, then the decision must be made to reinstate the component or no longer to being able to fulfil the purpose of X and to continue with that status.
Through the increasing quality of violence in physical confrontations in recent decades, the demand towards various disciplines and offers in the area of self-defense have more and more converged back to the original purpose again: to provide a developmental tool in the mental and physical domain, which will program one’s own actions by the leitmotif of 100% security and 0% risk.
By the fact that over a long period of time physical violence was very highly codified (with socially moral rules), new styles could form, which through new human interpretations adapted their focus to the respective trend. No one had to serve everything and aspects moved in, which did not have to comply with an universally functional leitmotif. Here, the creativity knew no bounds - similar to a cocktail bar, where new cocktails are created regularly, to give the customers the inimitable taste, that distinguishes from other competitors and is only here to find.
Important in this regard: the decision, whether to prefer following a form as to function or vice versa, remains a personal decision, which is not to be criticized! But to be criticized is, that if the form is followed, there is no declaring a claim for 100% function! If the claim is still maintained, then this becomes not only self-fraudulent but also a risk through psychological side effects, because the mental attitude taken is not in synch with the physical and mental necessary real basics.